Julie Matthews is co-author of “gold standard” scientific research that supports the methodology of this program.

Comprehensive nutrition/diet protocol in children with autism was safe and effective…and resulted in…*

  • 4.5x increase in developmental age
  • Increase in IQ by 7 points
  • Reduction in autism symptoms
  • Decrease in gastrointestinal distress
  • Less anxiety and increased mood

Scientific research has proven that nutritio n and special diets improve the health, learning, and behavior of those with autism and related disorders.

Comprehensive nutrition/diet protocol in children with autism was safe and effective…and resulted in…*

  • 4.5x increase in developmental age
  • Increase in IQ by 7 points
  • Reduction in autism symptoms
  • Decrease in gastrointestinal distress
  • Less anxiety and increased mood

Scientific research has proven that nutritio n and special diets improve the health, learning, and behavior of those with autism and related disorders.

Comprehensive nutrition/diet protocol in children with autism was safe and effective…and resulted in…*

  • 4.5x increase in developmental age
  • Increase in IQ by 7 points
  • Reduction in autism symptoms
  • Decrease in gastrointestinal distress
  • Less anxiety and increased mood