BioIndividual Nutrition Forum 1
Personalized Nutrition as the Future of Healthcare
Autumn 2022
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All the talks + BONUSES
(see descriptions of everything below)
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There was so much valuable information in this 3-day Forum… did you miss anything?
Here’s your chance to watch or listen whenever you want, and over again!
When you get the Lifetime Access Package, you get exclusive member access to all interviews (digital access of the videos and downloadable audio files) and BONUS content not available anywhere else.
Get your Lifetime Access Package along with the exclusive bonuses shown below:
1) Dr. Bridget Briggs’ BONUS deeper dive
2) Masterclass with Julie Matthews
Julie explains the BONUS session with Dr. Bridget Briggs and what to expect as they dive deeper into her brilliant presentation on epigentics, and more.
The opening minutes of Julie’s cornerstone Masterclass reveal her personal motivation and the professional aspirations of BioIndividual Nutrition training. Get the 90-Minute Masterclass as a BONUS.
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Audio Files of every interview
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Your bonuses when you upgrade today!
Methylation and Beyond: 9 SNPs, 5 Gears/Pathways, and over 20 Nutrient Cofactors
There was too much deep content to cover in a single interview. Get full access to the 2 hour deep dive into methylation, epigenetics, and therapeutic diets.
Epigenetics is the intersection between your environment and genes, so this topic applies to everyone on the planet!
DEEP DIVE INTO SNPs >> MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, BHMT, CBS, VDR, COMT, MAO-A, MAO-B Nutrients: Folate, Methyl B12, Hydroxy B12, Adenosyl B12, Zinc, Betaine/TMG, Choline, SAMe, and more, Biochemistry Pathways: Folate Gear, Methionine Gear, Transsulfuration Pathway, Biopterin Gear, Nitric Oxide Gear
BioIndividual Nutrition Masterclass with Julie Matthews
Includes 47 page guidebook
- 14 clinical tips you can use right away in your nutrition practice
- The nutrition science behind proven therapeutic diets: including Low Phenol, Low Oxalate, Low Amine, Low Glutamate, and Low FODMAPs
- Symptom clues to know when you assess a client’s bioindividual nutrition needs
- 5 clinical errors nutrition practitioners make and case studies that resolve them.
By the end of the Masterclass, you’ll have a good understanding of how practicing BioIndividual Nutrition can help you become more confident, streamline your practice and improve the clinical results of your patients or clients.

This ground-breaking event brought together
some of today’s most cutting-edge physicians,
researchers, and practitioners.
Day One Content
(Get the Lifetime Access Package)

Using Functional Lab Testing and Personalized Nutrition to Get Exceptional Results
Reed Davis
Feel like you are caught up in the cycle of trial and error in terms of results? Many practitioners (and individuals) do! Reed and I discuss how using targeted labs can help guide a personalized nutrition approach. Instead of looking at one root cause, he covers the importance of addressing the metabolic chaos and factors such as gut dysbiosis, oxidative stress, hormone imbalances, food sensitivities, leaky gut and more. Discover the 5 labs he teaches practitioners to use to get results with their clients.

Epigenetics, Methylation, and Nutrigenomics: Their Role in Personalized Nutrition
Bridget Briggs, MD
Methylation is important for our brain, mood, overall health, and is involved with our gene expression as well. Our genes affect the foods we tolerate, and the foods we eat affect our gene expression (epigenetics). Our diet and nutrition need to be personalized to our unique needs, and our genetics is one important piece of a bioindividual nutrition approach. In this presentation, Dr. Bridget Briggs shares vital information on methylation, our gene expression, and how to personalize therapeutic diets based on these factors.

Brain on Fire: Examining Root Causes of Microglial Activation
Brendan Vermeire
Microglial activation is sometimes referred to as the “Brain on Fire” and it can contribute to a host of issues, especially for our mental health! Brendan’s presentation covers this important concept and how diet plays a role in that “Brain on Fire” mechanism. He discusses “leaky brain,” the gut/brain axis, mold, histamine, infections, obesity, and other factors that are critical in a personalized nutrition approach. He pulls from his own personal experiences along with his extensive training so you definitely don’t want to miss this one!

BioIndividual Nutrition for Autism and Related Conditions
Julie Matthews, NC with Trudy Scott, CN
A special diet is important for healing. but with so many diets claiming to be the “one” best, which should you choose? The truth is, there is no “one-size-fits-all” diet. The diet that’s right for an individual must be customized to their unique needs. Learn how certain symptoms can tell you which foods are not tolerated and which therapeutic diet approach is best.
Day Two Content
(Get the Lifetime Access Package)

The Importance of Folate, MTHFR/SNPs, and BioIndividual Considerations
Carolyn Ledowsky
Folate is a crucial nutrient for proper methylation and overall health. Unfortunately, not all forms of folate are created equally. In fact, certain forms of folate may be harming our health, and inadequate levels of active folate can contribute significantly to infertility and a host of health problems. In this talk, Carolyn shares things that can block methyl folate and we discuss the role of personalized nutrition in meeting needed levels. She talks about the SNPs and nutrients that aid proper folate conversion and her research for her PhD on folate and infertility.

Calming Anxiety, Aggression, and OCD Through Amino Acids & Food
Trudy Scott
Anxiety affects 4 million children in the US alone, including most children with autism. Learn how to decrease anxiety with diet, nutrients, and amino acids like tryptophan, GABA and inositol. Also discover how other mood and behaviors symptoms like aggression and OCD can be improved with similar approaches (as well as other root causes to consider).

Nancy H. O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP
POTS and PANS is not about the latest cookware… those acronyms stand for two conditions that can affect children (and adults). Along with PANDAS, these three conditions can severely affect the brain and behavior of individuals. This presentation is packed with important information she had gained from her decades of experience as a medical doctor helping children with neurodevelopmental disorders. She discusses many dietary and nutrient strategies that she personalized based on the needs of the individual.

Eating for Your Optimal Energy: Personalizing Nutrition for Your Mitochondria
Ari Whitten, Ph.D.
Ari Whitten has spent over 2 decades researching the science behind energy enhancement and mitochondrial optimization. In this interview Ari will discuss how to understand the nutritional methodologies, personalized nutrition, compounds, and supplements you can use to improve our energy and health. He and Julie do a deep dive in how eating for your unique biochemistry is the key to peak energy.

Become a Leader in Your Field by Learning How to Interpret Scientific Research (without being a statistics expert)
Julie Matthews, NC
Understanding how to interpret research helps practitioners discern what is credible information in order to give you confidence, empower you in your practice, and help you become a reliable source of information for your community. Through Julie’s years of reading and conducting scientific research in nutrition for autism, she shares the key aspects of interpreting scientific research you need to know to become a leader in your field. Even if you are not an expert in statistics, Julie will make research, and even statistics, exciting and fun.
Day Three Content
(Get the Lifetime Access Package)

Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Children and the Brain
Suzanne Goh, MD
Mitochondrial health and functioning is key to human health. Dr. Suzanne Goh presents the role of mitochondrial dysfunction and how that negatively impacts the brain in children. She discusses mitochondrial metabolism and genetics, laboratory testing, lifestyle modification, avoidance of neurotoxins, and nutritional support. We cover the factors that negatively impact our mitochondria and how using personalized nutrition can be helpful.

Microbiome, Probiotics, and Therapeutic Diet Strategies
Kiran Krishnan
Gut dysbiosis can have ramifications on not just digestion but on overall wellness. One of the ways pathogens can affect our health is through the release of LPS endotoxins which can have a significant impact on leaky gut and the way we tolerate food. In this interview, Kiran will talk about the role of pathogens, LPS endotoxemia, and the use of prebiotics and probiotics to support health. Julie will discuss how dysbiosis can affect the foods we tolerate or don’t tolerate and therapeutic diets based on biochemical individuality.

How to Eat vs. What to Eat
Sachin Patel
Sachin is a thought-leader in our community. He brings a new way of thinking about health and wellness and how we have so much power over our health outcomes. This interview really transcends any dogma (you already know I don’t do diet dogma!) There is a lot of discussion on “what to eat,” but little attention is paid to “how to eat.” What you will take away from this interview can help anyone watching and your clients.

Personalized Nutrient Strategies for Anxiety, Depression & Mental Health
Albert Mensah, MD
In this joint presentation with Dr. Mensah and Julie Matthews, Dr. Mensah discusses zinc, copper overload, vitamins B6 and B12, folate, niacin/niacinamide, DHA, EPA, AA (essential fatty acids), antioxidants, undermethylation, pyrrole disorder, and the importance of personalized a nutrient approach. The presentation also includes information from Julie Matthews on how therapeutic diets such as low salicylate, low histamine, and low oxalate can help address anxiety, depression, and mental health.
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..with the Lifetime Access Package!
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Only $139
Now including Transcripts!

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“The BioIndividual Nutrition training has been one of the best investments for my career as a nutritionist. The course has been invaluable.”
Francesca Orlando-Baldwin, NTP, CGP
Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition

“I highly recommend the BioIndividual Nutrition training! Julie’s expertise in therapeutic special diets is cutting-edge and so relevant for the anxious women I work with.”
Trudy Scott, CN
Author: Antianxiety Food Solution

“The BioIndividual Nutrition Program has helped my health coaches and myself understand how to approach challenging patient cases and given us tools and resources to get faster and more effective results with our clients.”
Dr. David Jockers
You can master personalized nutrition
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Food Intolerances, Therapeutic Diets, and BioIndividual Nutrition.
INCLUDES key definitions and case studies
that demonstrate how you might use and benefit from this knowledge