Customizing Therapeutic Diets to Improve Clinical Success

Food is Medicine

but there is NO “one-size-fits-all” Diet

based on their Unique Biochemistry, Health History, and Genetics
Customizing Diet and Nutrition is Essential

LEARN what every DOCTOR or NUTRITION Professional should know about BioIndividual Nutrition

  • How personalizing food and nutrition strategies help improve patient/client outcomes
  • Which foods may negatively affect mood, learning, and behavior of children (especially those with ADHD and autism)
  • How to AVOID the 3 most common mistakes when making dietary recommendations
  • How to make your preferred diet strategy even more effective by individualizing over a dozen additional dietary factors
  • The most advantageous special diets for healing: including: GFCF, SCD, GAPS Diet,
  • Paleo diet, low phenol diets, low oxalate, and low FODMAPs

Webinar – Julie Matthews together with Helen Padarin

Wednesday, June 22nd – 5pm PACIFIC time
Thursday, June 23rd – 10am SYDNEY time

Discover how practicing Bioindividual Nutrition sets you apart from other professionals and can take your practice to the next level

Julie Matthews

Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant specializing in autism, ADHD, and related disorders. After 15 years of extensive scientific research and clinical experience, she developed the BioIndividual Nutrition® approach. This approach personalises therapeutic diets to address the unique biochemical needs of the individual. Her award winning book, Nourishing Hope for Autism, helps families around the world make food and nutrition choices that aid the health, learning, and behavior of their children. Julie presents at leading conferences in the US and abroad. She founded Nourishing Hope and the BioIndividual Nutrition Institute to empower families and clinicians worldwide.

Helen Padarin

Helen Padarin is a Naturopath, nutritionist and medical herbalist in clinical practice since 2001. She holds a bachelor degree in Health Sciences (Naturopathy), advanced diplomas in nutrition, herbal medicine and massage and has completed extensive post-graduate training in treatment for metabolic, neurologic, digestive and immune disorders. Helen is passionate about conscious living, real food, vital health and empowering individuals, families and organizations to find the joy in being well.

BioIndividual Nutrition Training for Australia Practitioners

Practitioner Group FORMING NOW – Begins in July – CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Mindd Foundation is pleased to be collaborating with Julie Matthews and her BioIndividual Nutrition training as part of our ongoing strategy to support practitioners in delivering the highest quality healthcare to Australian families. Mindd Foundation and Julie share a long history as pioneers in empowering both families and practitioners to use personalised nutrition for optimal patient outcomes.

Leslie Embersits – Founding Director, Mindd Foundation

BioIndividual Nutrition

BioIndividual Nutrition is the science and clinical application of diet and nutrition intervention that is customized to the unique needs of an individual.

Most chronic health conditions have underlying imbalances in immune, digestive, cellular and detoxification function. Factors that can make some people very sensitive to foods and chemicals – even seemingly healthy foods can cause irritability, hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and pain; and can exacerbate oxidative stress and inflammation and deplete underlying biochemical pathways. As a healthcare or nutrition professional, it is crucial to understand the role of food and nutrient deficiencies in your approach. If food reactions and dietary issues are not addressed, your overall healing approach may be ineffective