Attention Health Practitioners

Improve Your Effectiveness with Diet and Nutrition

  • Increase clinical success by meeting your client’s BioIndividual Nutrition needs

  • Bolster your confidence in addressing complex client cases

  • Set yourself apart from other practitioners and broaden your clinical acumen

The BioIndividual Nutrition Institute is launching a special practitioner group
just for Australia + Mindd Foundation Practitioners and Health Coaches.

Food is Medicine

but there is no “one-size-fits-all” Diet

Individuals have specific dietary needs based on their Unique Biochemistry, Health History, and Genetics

Customizing Your Recommendations is Necessary

Mindd Foundation is pleased to be collaborating with Julie Matthews and her BioIndividual Nutrition training as part of our ongoing strategy to support practitioners in delivering the highest quality healthcare to Australian families. Mindd Foundation and Julie share a long history as pioneers in empowering both families and practitioners to use personalised nutrition for optimal patient outcomes. Leslie Embersits – Founding Director, Mindd

Practitioner Group is led by Julie Matthews, along with Australia/Mindd practitioner and Study Group Leader, Helen Padarin.

Webinar with Julie Matthews and Helen Padarin


BioIndividual Nutrition Training
for Australia and Mindd Foundation Practitioners

Practitioner Study Group is NOW FORMING

Connecting and learning together with like-minded peers has great advantage. With this special Study Group we’ve created a way for a group of professionals to: learn and apply the BioIndividual Nutrition training together, while proceeding at their own pace, getting direct support from experienced practitioners, and being able to connect with Study Group Leaders and broader Institute program offerings.

JOIN this Study Group now with Julie Matthews and Helen Padarin, ND

Julie explains the Mindd/BioIndividual Nutrition collaboration

The Australia Practitioner Study Group
is led by Julie Matthews and Group Leader Helen Padarin

 Julie Matthews       Helen Padarin


You can JOIN this Study Group NOW

Here is what is included…

Enrollment and access to the BioIndividual Nutrition training course and materials
(study at your own pace)

Membership is our private forums and Facebook group (meet others/ask questions)

Participation in the Australia Study Group – LIVE sessions with Julie Matthews and Helen Padarin

Specific Advantages to Clinicians
that become a Certified BioIndividual Nutrition Practitioner

  • Cut out years of training, countless hours studying, and thousands of dollars traveling to conferences and seminars trying to figure out how to best support patients/clients

  • Get help for your questions through Study Group sessions and private Facebook Group and access to cutting edge information right from your computer – whether at home or in the office

  • Learn to quickly prioritize what to do first with your patient/client, organize their clinical history information in a cohesive fashion, and get started with the most consistently

  • Learn to quickly troubleshoot common challenges seen in practice, and devise strategies to improve clinical outcome for patients/clients.

  • Get an abundance of practice support material – office documents, patient handouts and protocols, lecture material, and much more.

  • Provide help, hope, and encouragement for parents desperately working to improve the health of their children – and actually see the positive results from your efforts in kids getting better

What Practitioners are Saying…

“The BioIndividual Nutrition training ticked all the boxes. It is scientifically backed and referenced, comprehensive, practical and relevant to me as a Health Coach and Mindd Practitioner. I work specifically with the Autism community, so the knowledge I gained from the BioIndividual Nutrition program is crucial for me to be able to provide a high level of expertise to my clients.”

Kris Barrett, Mindd Practitioner
Certified Nutrition & Health Coach

Certified GAPS Practitioner
Certified BioIndividual Nutrition Practitioner

“I congratulate Julie on this education module for individualised food plans. The patients I treat with special needs (mostly children) can have very tricky food sensitivities/restrictions and special nutrient requirements. Learning to design a diet and nutrition plan, taking into account each person’s exclusions at that point in time, is brilliant, clear and time-saving. Patients and parents will commonly ask “Where do I get guidance on a specialised food plan?” This program gives tangible and constructive material as a practical guide, including readily usable and presentable approaches and resources that bring hope and encouragement. I would encourage you to acquire this training with enthusiasm.”

Dr. Frank Golik, Mindd Practitioner

Introducing BioIndividual Nutrition®

BioIndividual Nutrition is the science and clinical application of diet and nutrition intervention that is customized to the unique needs of an individual.

Most chronic health conditions have underlying imbalances in immune, digestive, cellular and detoxification function. Factors that can make some people very sensitive to foods and chemicals – even seemingly healthy foods can cause irritability, hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and pain; and can exacerbate oxidative stress and inflammation and deplete underlying biochemical pathways. As a healthcare or nutrition professional, it is crucial to understand the role of food and nutrient deficiencies in your approach. If food reactions and dietary issues are not addressed, your overall healing approach may be ineffective.

Julie Matthews describes BioIndividual Nutrition at the 2014 NTA Conference.

Individualize Diet & Nutrition to…

  • Support biochemistry and body systems for optimal healing

  • Increase patient compliance and your clinical effectiveness

  • Reduce dependence on certain medical and/or pharmaceutical interventions

  • Improve and restore nutrient status

  • Balance intestinal flora for improved gastrointestinal support

JOIN the Australia Study Group in 3 Easy Steps


The Training Program

Review the details of the BioIndividual Nutrition training program(s)


The Australia Study Group

Review what is ALSO included with the Australia + Mindd Foundation Study Group


Join Today!

Enroll in the Training & Study Group by choosing EITHER or BOTH training courses.


REQUEST the Discount Code HERE


The Training Program

Review the details of the BioIndividual Nutrition training program(s)

BioIndividual Nutrition
for Professionals who make Diet and Nutrition Recommendations

Advanced Nutrition Training Program

Nutrition professionals have eagerly embraced Julie Matthews’ comprehensive advanced nutrition training. For ten years Julie has educated physicians and professionals at trainings for ARI/DAN!, IMMH, MAPS, and the MINDD Forum in Australia. There is great need for a body of professionals and parents with advanced understanding and capability for nourishing hope in each person, so she has now created the BioIndividual Nutrition Institute.

We offer two Advanced Nutrition Training courses, that together comprise 19 learning modules to study at your own pace. Materials and tools include videos, audios, transcripts, diet sheets with food lists, diet decision making charts, and other practical tools based on over a decade of clinical experience.

Julie’s advanced nutrition training program is unprecedented. Instead of teaching one dietary approach – she provides knowledge and tools to customize your nutrition approach to each individual.

About Julie Matthews


Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and global thought leader in the field of bioindividual nutrition and specialized diets for complex chronic conditions. She has a special focus in autism, ADHD and related disorders and has authored the award-winning book, Nourishing Hope for Autism. BioIndividual Nutrition FOUNDATIONS Training and the Nourishing Hope for KIDS Training are written and created by Julie Matthews based on her 14 years of nutrition research and practice.

Julie has educated physicians and professionals at trainings for ARI/DAN!, IMMH, MAPS, and the MINDD Forum in Australia. There is great need for a body of professionals with advanced understanding and capability for nourishing hope in each person, which is why she has launched this comprehensive training for clinicians.

nourishing_hope_logoJulie’s courses and writings are backed by an evidence-based approach. She is the Co-Founder and Director of Clinical Research for the BioIndividual Nutrition Institute and Founder of Nourishing Hope. She has a private nutrition practice in San Francisco, CA.

Brief Overview:
BioIndividual Nutrition Training Program

Please be sure to watch this overview….

Led by Julie Matthews, we offer two Advanced Nutrition Training courses. Together they comprise 19 learning modules to study at your own pace. Materials and tools include videos, audios, transcripts, diet sheets with food lists, diet decision making charts, and other practical tools based on over a decade of clinical experience.

TWO Training Courses

Our advanced nutrition training program is unprecedented. Instead of teaching one dietary approach – Julie Matthews provides knowledge and tools to customize your diet and nutrition approach to each individual.

1) Nourishing Hope FOUNDATIONS

Comprehensive Training in the Nutrition Science and Clinical Practice of Individualized Diet and Nutrition Intervention. It provides broadly applicable advanced nutrition knowledge and tools, information on over a dozen therapeutic diets, and explains how to adapt diets for individual food allergies and sensitivities such as gluten, dairy salicylates, amines, glutamates, oxalates, FODMAPS.

Information on over 20 diets: Gluten-free casein-free, allergen-free, elimination diets, yeast diets, SCD, GAPS, Low oxalate, Body Ecology, Feingold, Failsafe, low FODMAPS, Modified Atkins, Paleo diet, Primal diet, and more.

(For ALL practitioners addressing all chronic conditions)

MODULE 1: BioIndividual Nutrition Foundations
MODULE 2: Special Diets for BioIndividual Nutrition
MODULE 3: Good Nutrition – Food Pyramid
MODULE 4: GFCF and Allergen-free Diets
MODULE 6: Dysbiosis and Diets for GI Support
MODULE 7: Low Phenol Diets
MODULE 8: Oxalates and The Low Oxalate Diet
MODULE 9: Paleo, Low Carb, and Ketogenic Diets
MODULE 10: Methylation and Mitochondria
MODULE 11: Laboratory Testing & Supplementation
MODULE 12: Determining BioIndividual Diet


2) Nourishing Hope for KIDS

Specialized Training in Nutrition for Children, Autism, ADHD and other Special Needs. Julie Matthews explains the underlying biochemistry, common nutrient deficiencies, and the most effective diets used for children’s special needs based on her 14 years of research and clinical practice.

While the Foundational Course provides broadly applicable advanced nutrition training – Nourishing Hope for KIDS gets specific – focusing on autism, ADHD, and related childhood disorders. Julie Matthews is the world’s leading nutritionist for children with autism; this is first advanced nutrition training program – explicitly focused on this audience.

(EXTRA course for those addressing childhood conditions)

MODULE 1: Biochemistry of Autism, ADHD and other Chronic Childhood Disorders
MODULE 2: Nutrient Deficiencies in Autism and Other Conditions
MODULE 3: Digestion and the Microbiome in Autism
MODULE 4: Behavior and Energy Regulation
MODULE 5: Special Diets for Children
MODULE 6: Case Studies of Autism and other Childhood Disorders
MODULE 7: Meal Planning and Recipes for Children & Support for Picky Eaters


Materials and Tools Include

  • Video presentations, slide decks, and transcripts
  • Downloadable MP3 recordings of all modules and lessons
  • Private forums and Facebook groups for connectivity
  • Easy to Use Clinical Charts, Handouts: GMO Guide, Toxin Guide, and many more
  • Diet Implementation guides and Food lists
  • Nourishing Hope Food Pyramid poster and client tools
  • Nourishing Hope for Autism (book) and Cooking to Heal (cookbook and videos)

This Training Program will…

  • Help you discover the underlying biochemistry by putting the science together in a way that’s easy to understand
  • Allow you to stay on top of the new research that’s emerging daily
  • Provide you detailed understanding and implementation strategies for over a dozen special diets
  • Deliver ongoing insights, tools, and technology suggestions that help you develop further avenues of support
  • Create collaboration with like-minded practitioners and other professionals
  • Give you opportunity to ask Julie and Drs. your particular diet and nutrition questions


The Australia Study Group

Review what is ALSO included with the Australia + Mindd Foundation Study Group


Australia Practitioners can JOIN this Study Group now – which includes enrollment in the BioIndividual Nutrition training course (study-at-your-own-pace), all course materials, private group membership, PLUS participation in 4 LIVE Study Group sessions held this Winter (Australia) – with Julie Matthews and Helen Padarin.

Study Group Sessions
and Ongoing Connectivity

  • Julie Matthews answering course content questions, nutrition, food, and supplement questions, clinical nutrition experience.

  • Additional distinctions for Australia/Mindd Practitioners from Helen Padarin and other Australia clinicans

  • Group leaders also discuss: case studies, clinician resources, Australia considerations, and local area resources

  • Meet like minded Australian practitioners and connect on private forums and Facebook groups

  • Group member spotlights, stories, and case studies

– Study Group Leader

Helen Padarin is a Naturopath, nutritionist and medical herbalist in clinical practice since 2001. She holds a bachelor degree in Health Sciences (Naturopathy), advanced diplomas in nutrition, herbal medicine and massage and has completed extensive post-graduate training in treatment for metabolic, neurologic, digestive and immune disorders. Helen is passionate about conscious living, real food, vital health and empowering individuals, families and organizations to find the joy in being well.

Timeline & Schedule

Self-Paced Course
+ Specialized Study Group Material – Best of Both Worlds

The Training Course is self-study… So immediately upon enrollment you get access to all course material, so you can begin right away and proceed at your own pace. You will also have access to our training forums and private Facebook group, so you can begin asking questions and connecting with others. The Study Group will hold 1 LIVE “Welcome” meeting and 4 LIVE online sessions – held the second Wednesday of: July, August, September, and October 2016. All sessions will be recorded, and you can send questions in ahead of time, and listen to the Study Group material when it’s best for you. We know that professionals are busy and have diverse needs, so by structuring it this way, we’re ensuring you can participate no matter schedule or timezone.

Welcome Meeting

4 LIVE Study Group Sessions
AUSTRALIA: Wednesdays – 9am SYDNEY
USA: Tuesdays – 7pm EST / 4pm PST

All sessions are RECORDED and immediately posted to the Member Portal right away – you DO NOT need to attend live.


Join Today!

Enroll in the Training & Study Group by choosing EITHER or BOTH training courses.

Enrollment is Open – Join Now!


BioIndividual Nutrition
FOUNDATIONAL Training Course

with Australia Study Group


Pedatric Program

with Australia Study Group


Enroll Here

Enroll below in the FOUNDATIONS Course, KIDS Course, or BOTH!

Includes participation in the Australia/Mindd Practitioner Study Group. NOTE that the Nourishing Hope for KIDS course is not a stand-alone course, it is an “add on”, requiring the FOUNDATIONS Course as prerequisite. If you have taken the Foundations Course in the past and would like to enroll in the Nourishing Hope for KIDS course at this time, please email us.


CLICK through for payment options

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We guarantee you’ll love the BioIndividual Nutrition Training courses. Julie Matthews is a dynamic and inspirational speaker and teacher, and we are confident you will enjoy what you are learning. Enroll in the program. After the first two modules, if you’re not completely satisfied by the level of content, then simply send an email within 7 days after the delivery of module 1, and we’ll give you a full refund on the course.